Thursday 7 July 2016

The Importance of Recycling Aluminum

When it comes to recycling, plastics, paper and other materials are surely important. However, aluminum cans are the first things which centers focus on in most cases. This is because recycling aluminum cans and other goods is a very important process that contributes strongly not only to the health of the environment, but also to the health of the global economy.

  • Aluminum is 100 percent recyclable, meaning that no other metals are mixed in with the material in the creation process. This means that cans and other aluminum goods can be used and recycled infinitely. In fact, it’s estimated that 75 percent of aluminum products produced in the United States since 1900 are still in use.
  • Recycling aluminum is actually a very fast procedure. The average amount of time that passes between the aluminum’s arrival at the recycling center of choice and the store shelves in its new form is 60 days.
  • Recycling aluminum is approximately 92 percent more efficient than mining new materials and making brand-new products. This leads to a boost in the economy through making costs lower, while promoting the presence of recycling centers and creating more jobs.

There are many reasons why recycling your unwanted aluminum products is important. To learn more about scrap aluminum recycling in Campbell, visit this website.

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